Solo Exhibition at Cruda gallery (Buenos Aires) 2021
Installation, Simulation, Plants
Installation, Simulation, Plants
At a time when the strict COVID quarantine was beginning to relax, but meetings in closed spaces were still not allowed. For that reason the show was inside a window and could be seen from the street.
The installation consisted of a generative software projection, which was surrounded by a montage of native plants from the Tigre Islands, a delta near the city of Buenos Aires. For the observers located on the sidewalk, the characters and objects that are projected on the wall seemed to be in the middle of those plants, as if it were a theatrical staging.

Tu’Hu is a 4000-year-old stew, and is part of the first known recipe book, found on a Babylonian clay tablet. The strange hybrid characters between plants and artificial intelligence that appeared in the projection, remembered this recipe, mixing it with memories about an underground punk band from the 90s, as important moments of humanity.